Aica Indonesia

Aica Indonesia as a manufacturer of decorative panels such as HPL, Cerarl, ToughTop and Adhesive materials (Aibon glue) continues to be committed to participating in advancing education in Indonesia. To support these ideals, the Aica Goes to Campus event continued and this time it was Mercu Buana University's turn to take part in the event.
Aica Goes to Campus is an event organized by Aica Indonesia which aims to introduce materials that are closely related to interior design, that's why this activity focuses on students majoring in Interior Design spread across universities in Indonesia. As a company engaged in this field, Aica Indonesia also strives to introduce Aica products available in the market so that fellow students can find out and can benefit their professional careers in the future.

mercu buana

This activity was opened by remarks from the Department of Interior Design at Mercu Buana University which in this case was delivered by the head of the Interior Design study program. And continued with the delivery of souvenirs from the University of Mercu Buana to Aica Indonesia and vice versa.
Then the event entered the session of delivering material about Aica products spread in the Indonesian market, this material was delivered by colleagues from PT Marga Bharata as the sole distributor of Aica Indonesia. Students seemed very enthusiastic in receiving new information, especially regarding interior design products that they did not know before, such as Cerarl and ToughTop.
CERARL is a non-combustible (non-flammable) decorative panel that can be used as a decorative panel for backsplash kitchens, room walls, bathrooms to other wet and humid rooms. With the advantages of being heat resistant, easy to install, waterproof and damp, scratch resistant and anti-bacterial, making cerarl the choice of many people to be a decorative panel in the interior of their building.
While ToughTop is a solution for various 'top surfaces' in the interior, usually used on table tops as a substitute for natural stone or solid surfaces. In addition to its much lighter weight than stone, ToughTop also offers other advantages such as abrasion resistance, heat resistance, easy cleaning, anti-bacterial and of course a simple and easy installation process. With these advantages, it's no wonder that ToughTop is the first choice in terms of table top material

mercu buana
mercu buana

Setelah diberikan materi seputar spesifikasi produk, beragam keunggulan dan varian-varian yang tersedia, mahasiswa diberi kesempatan untuk maju dan mencoba sendiri mudahnya pemasangan Cerarl dan ToughTop. Rekan-rekan mahasiswa sangat antusias untuk mencoba dan tentunya mendapat souvenir menarik dari tim Aica Indonesia.

“Produk ToughTop dari Aica beneran mudah banget dipasang, materialnya juga kuat dan yang terpenting adalah tahan abrasi, recommended banget buat kalian pasang di top table dapur kalian!” ujar Fahreza, salah satu mahasiswa yang berkesempatan untuk mencoba proses pemasangan ToughTop.

Kegiatan ini diakhiri dengan sesi foto dan pembagian katalog bagi seluruh peserta Aica Goes to Campus. Untuk rekan-rekan civitas akademika jurusan Desain Interior yang ingin menyelenggarakan acara serupa dapat menghubungi Official WhatsApp Aica Indonesia di nomor +6281229990279.

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